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Attention Caregivers!
Please complete the form below by filling out all blanks and don't forget to hit the SUBMIT button or your information will not be added to the directory which is updated on the 5th of each month.
The deadline for submitting your info is the 1st of each month.
Join the Vashon Caregiver Directory!
Availability: Would you consider over-night or weekend care?
Do you have your own transportation?
Are you willing to do a preliminary interview/meet & greet with the family free of charge?
* answer required
By completing this form and submitting to the Vashon Care Network (VCN) you are acknowledging that you
understand and agree that the information you have provided will be posted to the VCN website and shared with
potential clients, community leaders and organizations and faith groups.

We post new caregiver information on the first of each month

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