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Under Our Umbrella

Looking for a Caregiver?
Browse our 
Find A Caregiver page
which includes our 
Caregiver Directory
and a guide toDirectoryCaregivers on Vashon 
Hiring a Caregiver
plus resources for Family Caregivers
Family Caregivers Together:
Join A Circle of Support 
Caregiver Circle of Support Group Thursdays 630 pm - 730 pm.jpg
Every Thursday:  6:30 to 7:30 pm
at Vashon Lutheran Church

Providing Community Support

to Vashon Islanders

About Us:


The Vashon Care Network grew out of the need to connect people on Vashon with the services, supplies, and support required to live at home independently.  We act as an umbrella organization to help Islanders in need--offering free medical supplies through our Care Closet, as well as offering information regarding care options for individual care needs.  


Care Closet


Islanders in need of medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, crutches
and canes) or personal hygiene supplies (such as Depends, and incontinent care items) can contact our Care Closet which will provide them free of charge.  See our Care Closet pages for full instructions to borrow, return, and donate equipment, get directions, and see examples of what equipment and supplies are in our inventory.

Community Resource Directory


What services and programs are available for you on the Island?  Find out in this section, along with contact information for each:


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